Do you mean every gesture you’re showing now?
Is this gonna be a lasting treasure
Or a random memory, that’ll bring painful pressures…
Can I also believe the magic of your touches on me?
That tomorrow I’ll feel more of it
And the day after tomorrow I’ll more and not live to reminiscence
On the feelings you left on my skin today
Will you still be with me tomorrow?
Or is this a feeling just for today?
Is this a scene for another day?
Or a sin I’ll regret tomorrow?

Is all these just gonna be about me
Otherwise about my lofting body gently rapped in this plain silky sheet?
Needless to say, is this once and never again?
Will you still love me tomorrow?
But till this moment I ask myself:
“Was yesterday, yes yester night a repression of my inner-most self,
Unleashed ever so briefly
Or was it just a revelation of the darkside of me.
The truth is: I remain me
Because the morning after was yesterday
It passed,
And though that night was sweet,
Today is a brand new day!
© Adeola Ojedokun ‘09