Thursday, June 11, 2009


Friends are the DNA of society. They are the basic building blocks of life. If you have a couple of good ones, treasure them like gold, because they’ll always be useful.

There’s nothing better, ever seen Ads that go - “friends and family”? I ask why not “family and friends”? Or is ‘co it flows better that way? Well I think it’s something else.

Yes, they know too, that friends are those people that can join you do those silly things you often feel like doing, the awful things you do spontaneously all in the name of ‘having fun’ and ‘living life’. And of course the family is that group of people that stay with you to clean up the mess while you continue with life…some friends stay put though.

Your friends help you carry the big weight in life. That big burden we’ve all got called, “What the hell am I doing?”

I’ve come to the conclusion that there are certain friends in your life who are always your friends and you just have to accept it. You see them even though you don’t really want to see them. You don’t call them, they call you. You don’t call back, they call again. You’re late, they wait. You don’t show up, they’re not upset. You try and stab them, they understand.

The problem with talking is that nobody stops you from saying the wrong thing. I think life would be a lot better if it was like you’re always making a movie. You mess up, somebody walks up and says “Cut, cut, cut, cut, that’s not going to work at all”. But what makes life interesting if not the fact that we must make mistakes but we have to learn from the mistakes.

Let me tell the main ish in all these ramblings: 1. Friends are good, keep them.
2. People think about what you’re saying and ask if you really mean it and the reality of your words even when you speak the ones that hurt them (mostly when they expect you to console them) you still push the pin claiming to yourself “I love you that’s why I can’t but say the truth”

But is that really it?

3. Always love life, the best yet to come. Take today as a great day and wait for tomorrow to be greater.

Quote of the note: “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are” - - Anais Nin

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